Monday, June 13, 2011


Skin A:

150 gm plain flour
20 gm custard powder
30 icing sugar
60 gm shortening

Skin B:

90 gm plain flour
60 gm shortening


3 eggs, beaten
120 gm caster sugar
250 ml hot water, stirred & cooled
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp white vinegar
Little yellow coloring


Skin A:
Mix & knead until smooth.
Divide into 15 parts

Skin B:
Mix & divide into 15 parts

Warp B with A, roll into a long
shape, roll up tightly like a Swiss roll.

Roll into a round piece & line into
egg tart mould.

Mix & strain fillings, pour into
moulds until ¾ full.

Bake in the pre-heated oven at 180°C
for 15-20 minutes until fillings set.

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